Hi, I'm Jordan

Automation expert

Over the past 8 years, I've had 10k students and clients, been a guest on 150 podcasts, and have a multi-million dollar business. 

However, within just 5 months of starting, I burned out from monthly retainers.

If you told me 5 months in what I would accomplish in 8 years,
I wouldn't have believed you.

I didn’t always have this business: the clients, the courses, the sales, the team...

I started out working on teams of 7- and 8-figure online businesses and knew what it took to play at that level. That's not what I wanted at the time. 

I ran a solopreneur business for 4 years that gave me the spaciousness in my calendar for honoring my 3 chronic illnesses building systems with VIP Days. 

Then in 2020, after getting engaged, I wanted to buy our dream home with my business.

And at the end of 2021, I accomplished that.

So in 2022, dealing with business and personal stress caused me to descale back to solopreneurship while building micro tools.

NOW I Share my pivots to give you the courage to PIVOT too

I am totally uninterested in doing something just for the sake of not looking flaky or people saying I've lost my mind. If pivoting is what's best for me, my family, and my clients/students, then I do it. Done deal.


Started my business + 5 months in, burned out from monthly retainers. Gave VIP Days a go...


In my full VIP Day era, working with clients only 4 days a month & making 6-figures a year as a solopreneur.


Built my Done In a Day™ program that served over 500+ folks creating VIP Days, had a 12-person team, & hit my first few 7-figure years.


Descaled my business back to solopreneurship for my mental and chronic health struggles while building micro tools.
